BASIC MAKEUP 101: Fresh face, fresh start






“I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want? An adorable pancreas?”Jean Kerr, American author and playwright

Makeup will always be a part of a woman’s daily routine. Not only do we use makeup for fashion purposes, it’s also important when it comes to our jobs. It our face that projects our deepest essence, that interacts with other people. But at the end of the day, when all that’s left is you in your pajamas and that bathroom mirror, how far have you gone when it comes to taking good care of your face?


Here are some basic tips on how to flaunt that ‘natural look’:


 The first thing you should do is know your skin type (oily, dry, sensitive, normal/combination or sun damaged), so you could choose which cleanser’s good for you. Avoid bar soaps, as they tend to dry out the skin. Apply moisturizer. Why is it important? Moisturizers hydrate and feed moisture o your skin while protecting it from environmental damage. Depending on your skin type, moisturizer could either be a take-it-or-leave product or a can’t live-without product.  


The skin around our eyes is not the same with the rest of our face. It contains no fatty tissue, so it’s actually thinner. It’s important to avoid the eye area when moisturizing the face, that’s why there are special creams made only for the eyes. There is also an alternative remedy for wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. Apply egg white, leave it until it dries and wash it off with cold water.


Grooming your eyebrows is essential because it gives a sort of dramatic difference in your look. Notice how Theatre actors and actresses portray their characters by looking at their eyebrows. Eyebrows convey that much meaning, really. If you have thick eyebrows, go to a salon or consult a professional and have them groom your eyebrows for you. After that, you can tame your brows by brushing them daily (upward direction), and follow up on the plucking when they grow back. If you have thin eyebrows, apply castor oil before you sleep, as this help your eyebrows grow.


Lip licking is a no-no. It may be easier said than done, but it does great help to your lips if you don’t do it. Instead of lip-licking, try chapstick-ing. Or Carmex-ing. Blistex or a plain Vaseline jelly will do. Alternative remedies include sugar and vegetable oil, or Vaseline and a toothbrush. Lips do not produce natural oils to keep them from becoming irritated, so you also have to keep them properly hydrated. Drink lots of water and avoid food with high levels of acid.



Wash your face before sleeping. Make sure that you don’t sleep with your makeup on, no matter how tired you are. This simple routine will go a long, long way if you’re consistent with it. Makeup removers are all over drugstores and beauty establishments. The most common are from Maybelline and Loreal. If you don’t have any of these, Baby Oil always works. And olive oil. What’s right is not always popular, and what’s popular is not always right.

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